September 1, 2024
You’ve been created to “walk” with God. To know Him in a deep personal way. All of us should be growing in God. We aren’t all at the same stage,…
Part of our “Core 4” series, we value “Family”. Not just natural family, but spiritual family- The Church. In today’s talk we answer the question: “Why belong to a church?


August 18, 2024

Z= Zeal

August 11, 2024
Check out the last message of our 'The ABC's of Faith' series!


August 4, 2024
We all wear a yoke, the question is: Whose yoke are you wearing? Jesus promises a rest for the soul as we daily take up His yoke. (Matthew 11:28-30)
Daniel lived in a foreign land, yet RESOLVED to not defile himself. In so doing, God gave him favor and gifting. God 10X his life
We are not meant to live the Christian life alone. We desperately need one another. God sets us into family- The Church. Spiritual family will increase your: PRODUCTION, PROTECTION, PASSION,…
All of life is worship. Yet, there is something powerful and spiritual about singing our praise to God. The devil would like nothing more than to shut your mouth in…

ENCNJ Sermon 7/7/24

July 7, 2024

All of life is a calling from God- “Vocation” means “to hear the call”. You will spend 80-100,000 hours over your lifetime at work. I want you to win at…
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