September 1, 2024
You’ve been created to “walk” with God. To know Him in a deep personal way. All of us should be growing in God. We aren’t all at the same stage,…


August 4, 2024
We all wear a yoke, the question is: Whose yoke are you wearing? Jesus promises a rest for the soul as we daily take up His yoke. (Matthew 11:28-30)
We are not meant to live the Christian life alone. We desperately need one another. God sets us into family- The Church. Spiritual family will increase your: PRODUCTION, PROTECTION, PASSION,…
All of life is a calling from God- “Vocation” means “to hear the call”. You will spend 80-100,000 hours over your lifetime at work. I want you to win at…
Unity is more than a state of being, it’s a spiritual force woven into the world and designed by God. Where there is unity, God commands a blessing.