“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” 
-Romans 8:28

We have this painting hanging in our church headquarters located in Manhattan that crystallizes the work of a redemptive God in a broken world. The painting was created during a worship service packed with men and women praising God. A worship team on stage led the group, and an artist was onstage as well. As the auditorium praised, the artist slapped stroke after stroke of random paints on a canvas. In the back of my head, I’m thinking this is kinda strange. Finally, the worship set ended, as did the painting. The artist presented to the audience what appeared to be a hot mess of confusing strokes and colors until…he flipped the painting to reveal a picture of Jesus wearing a crown of thorns! The place went nuts. 

We all have seasons of life when life feels off the rails. We feel like the world is against us and God is nowhere to be found. If that’s you today, I want to assure you, that God is at work in the mess. Eventually, He will flip it for your good and His glory. Moses and the Red Sea felt like there was no way forward and no way out until God flipped it for good and liberated His people from the Egyptian army. Jesus dying on the cross, there was no darker day than that one until God flipped it on the third day! Trust God to flip your situation for good and glory.