Prisoner or Paul?
I’ve been a follower of Jesus for about 36yrs now and reading my bible for about 33yrs. Throughout these years there have been times when I’ve read my bible and was unmoved or didn’t understand what...
What Jesus Wants You To Wear For Halloween
“.....For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:7 Halloween has become a 5 billion dollar a year industry in the United States which is...
Don’t Forget Where You Came From!
I recently had a chance to go and witness my friend Joe and Anna's 23 year wedding vow renewal. It was awesome to see all his family and friends there in Connecticut and support them. As I began to...
Fulfillment and joy and our destiny are found as we keep in step with the one who created us. God’s will is perfect. When God created us, He gave us free will to choose the path we will take and the...
My family and I were playing with videos on the slo-mo recorder on my iPhone one night and it hit me. 1. Our dogs are extremely uncoordinated! 2. Slowing things down gives you a different...
No Shortcuts
I've heard it said that patience is a virtue... Waiting can be a difficult thing in a world where everything is at your fingertips. We're living in a time where things are easily accessible : all we...
The Lost Dog
My daughter Elizabeth is an animal nut; I don’t know how else to put it. The joke in our home is that Elizabeth, “loves animals and tolerates people.” Maybe not a biblical view but we’re still...
Dressed for Success
The way we dress is important because it is one of the first impressions someone will have of us. This doesn’t necessarily take a lot of money, but it does take some thought. If you just throw an...
I’m not much of a Tom Cruise fan, but I’ve definitely gotta give the guy props. Cruise does most of his own stunts for his widely popular “Mission Impossible”
Don’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover
Well one day I met him. It didn’t start off too well. I woke up one morning to find him on my property walking around the house. He was looking at my trees. I went outside and asked if I could help him… he told me I needed to cut down my trees because they were dead. I laughed, but he didn’t.
Shark Tank
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside...
A Transformed Life by Shani Bagga
Every person has a story about when they developed a powerful personal connection to the Almighty God. Some experiences are dramatic, others powerful, and some are just ordinary stories. But...
The Power of Words
Do you realize the average person speaks 16,000 words a day which equates to 6 million words in a year! Every one of our words matters to God because our words have power. Words are a creative force...
Children’s Ministry Newsletter July 2018
CELEBRATING OUR PARENTS We loved honoring the parents in our church on Mother’s & Father's Day this year. The children sang precious songs about how our mothers love us and how our fathers are...
What Mike and the Mechanics Can Teach Us About the Bible
The year was 1988, I was rockin’ a legit mullet (business in the front and party in the back) The Los Angeles Dodgers would win the World Series and the Magic Johnson led Lakers would win yet...
Seize the Moment
We all lead busy lives, but we must be careful not to miss great opportunities. When our schedules are packed and everything on our to-do list is important, it can be difficult to be flexible when...
Baja Missions Trip
On June 27th, a team from Every Nation NJ left for our missions trip in Baja, Mexico with Ten Days Missions. We did not know what to expect, but we knew that God had been faithful to provide for all...
Playing Your Role
Our staff was posed the question: “If Hollywood were taking your life story to the Big Screen, who would play you?” Here were some of the responses: Pastor Shino Prater: Michael Jordan Pastor Dottie...
God is a God of Second Chances
God is a God of second chances. We see it throughout the Bible. Look at Peter who denied Jesus three times. When asked if he knew Jesus Peter was filled with fear and denied knowing Him not once,...
Passing the Baton
There is a technique in football called "Jam.” A “Jam” is a defensive move and happens when you get your hands on a wide receiver to disrupt the timing of the route he is running. It’s something all...
Through the Lens of Lions
I’ve made it no secret we are canine and not feline in theology here at ENCNJ. The Dog says in his heart: ‘You feed me, clean up after me, and care for me... You must be God!’ A cat, on the other...