Outdoor Worship
We are planning to have outdoor worship at the church parking lot (outdoor seating – please bring your lawn chairs) on Saturday, August 1st at 10:00AM.
We will be fully compliant with laws set by the government of New Jersey AND with all CDC guidelines/recommendations for meeting outdoors.
To ensure that we have proper social distancing at the outdoor worship, RSVP by Friday, July 24th at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyMUg-NoFCsarlsS-DSf2wRTT9ylTQMApLlae0QsquvtENbA/viewform?usp=sf_link by writing your name and email address.
Registration is first-come, first-served. The rain date will be the following Saturday, August 8th, at 10:00AM.