No Shortcuts

I’ve heard it said that patience is a virtue… Waiting can be a difficult thing in a world where everything is at your fingertips. We’re living in a time where things are easily accessible : all we have to do is point and click or chat with our...

The Lost Dog

My daughter Elizabeth is an animal nut; I don’t know how else to put it. The joke in our home is that Elizabeth, “loves animals and tolerates people.” Maybe not a biblical view but we’re still working on her. Elizabeth owns 4 horses and 4 dogs, and my guess is that if...

Dressed for Success

The way we dress is important because it is one of the first impressions someone will have of us. This doesn’t necessarily take a lot of money, but it does take some thought. If you just throw an outfit together, and look sloppy, you may not give the initial...


“WHAT’S YOUR MISSION?” I’m not much of a Tom Cruise fan, but I’ve definitely gotta give the guy props. Cruise does most of his own stunts for his widely popular “Mission Impossible” franchise. If you’re unimpressed, consider that he strapped himself to an Airbus 400...