Decisions Determine Our Destiny

One of God’s gifts to us is free will. We have free will to decide what our attitude will be and what road we will choose to take along the way. One of the first decisions we can make is that we will live in the moment. Every decision we make will affect our future....


It’s no secret we are overtly “dog-people” at Every Nation New Jersey. Cat people are welcome and I suppose through the cross of Christ we can be reconciled together (I’m joking….but not at all). I recently saw a heart-warming feature on the Sonoma-Marin Fair’s annual...

Provision For Your Victory

by Brett Fuller In 1Samuel 17 David answered the taunts of Goliath. With five smooth stones and a sling in hand when he ran to meet the sword strapped champion of the Philistines.  He responded in verse 46 saying, “This day the LORD will deliver you up into my...

Send Me Lord

Isaiah 6:8 “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am. Send me!” That scripture inspires me because that is my prayer: “Here I am, send me!” Through all of history God has been...

Scars Tell A Story

Scars tell a story. Having undergone 16 surgeries and over 500 stitches in my career, I have a story that corresponds with each of them. Here are some other famous scars and their stories: Actress Kaley Cuoco fell off of a horse in 2010. The horse fell back onto her...