Live Courageously
Live Courageously I want to start with a quote from Mark Twain: “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” Courage is not the absence of fear but facing your fear and...
“For whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice…….." Zechariah 4:10 "What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed that a man...
Of Discipleship and Destiny
By Paster Adam Mabry of Every Nation: Aletheia Church It was a fresh, autumn day. "Fresh" is that euphemism that Scots use to describe utterly terrible, grey, rainy weather that most other places in...
The Last Palm Sunday
I remember being a kid and going to church on Palm Sunday. They’d give us a dried up palm branch as we entered the sanctuary. I had no idea what it was for or all about. I promptly turned it into a...
Decisions Determine Our Destiny
One of God’s gifts to us is free will. We have free will to decide what our attitude will be and what road we will choose to take along the way. One of the first decisions we can make is that we...
It’s no secret we are overtly “dog-people” at Every Nation New Jersey. Cat people are welcome and I suppose through the cross of Christ we can be reconciled together (I’m joking….but not at all). I...
Provision For Your Victory
by Brett Fuller In 1Samuel 17 David answered the taunts of Goliath. With five smooth stones and a sling in hand when he ran to meet the sword strapped champion of the Philistines. He responded in...
Back in 1997, two relatively unknown screenwriters/actors would take Hollywood by storm. Guys you may have heard of: Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. Yes, Batman and Jason Bourne got their first big...
Send Me Lord
Isaiah 6:8 "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" Then I said, “Here I am. Send me!" That scripture inspires me because that is my prayer: “Here I...
Scars Tell A Story
Scars tell a story. Having undergone 16 surgeries and over 500 stitches in my career, I have a story that corresponds with each of them. Here are some other famous scars and their stories: Actress...
5 Threats to the Vision
By Pastor Wolfgang Eckleben of Every Nation London, England Vision has the potential to be a very powerful thing. But it’s not an easy thing to execute. January is over. How’s the vision you or your...
The Peloton Myth
Have you seen the recent avalanche of advertising for the ‘Peloton Stationary Bike’? Beautiful people, rising early and eagerly jumping onto the bike. Pain-free, bike spinning bliss, and as they...
God Prefers Losers
I believe this, and to be honest with you, I find that rather comforting. It takes this weight off of me of having to perform to compare myself with others. I read a quote by Bill Gates -- for...
Clarifying Questions
A few years back, my wife purchased an Amazon Echo, aka “Alexa”, for our home. I tried to warn her that “A.I.” (artificial intelligence) would one day lead to the destruction of all mankind (I’ve...
Hearing God
In the midst of a week of prayer and fasting, two things immediately become apparent: One, I think fasting is a ‘bad idea’ from the Lord! Just kidding! (But not at all) Somehow, God uses fasting to...
Take Your Shot in 2019
I had the privilege to play against arguably the greatest hockey player of all time, Wayne Douglas Gretzky, aka “THE GREAT ONE”. He is the all - time leader in goals, assists and total points. He...
Howling in the New Year
As I reflect on 2018, I am brought back to memories of years gone by. Anyone that knows me won’t be surprised that in the past, New Year’s Eve was always all about finding that perfect dress. Jim...
More Christ in Christmas
In the midst of the chaos of the holidays, whether it is crowded shops or fun Christmas parties, we can get caught up and stressed out when we should be experiencing joy. After Thanksgiving I...
The Best Worst Christmas Ever
“..........The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8 Christmas in the Burt home is an extremely big deal. We have Christmas traditions you’d expect like...
Children’s Ministry Newsletter November 2018
Give Thanks To The Lord
Psalm 107:1-3 1 Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,For His lovingkindness is everlasting. 2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the...