by Pastor Dottie Flanagan | Aug 24, 2023 | The Blog
One of my favorite sayings from whom we affectionately refer to as Mama Joyce is, “I’m too blessed to be stressed.” This is her attitude, and as I listen to these words of wisdom, I too realize no matter what may come my way, whether I’m on the mountaintop...
by Pastor Dottie Flanagan | Jul 27, 2023 | The Blog
When I think of living in the moment, I think of memories that are so etched in my mind. One of them was when I was walking down the aisle the day I married Jim. I can see him standing there like it was yesterday. Another one was when I had my daughter, Dawn. She was...
by Pastor Adam Burt | Jul 6, 2023 | The Blog
One especially hot and humid afternoon, I found myself in the heart of the NYC subway system awaiting the #1 train to whisk me back up to the upper west side of Manhattan. While waiting, I noticed a crumpled-up one-dollar bill lying on the tracks. I couldn’t help but...
by Pastor Adam Burt | Jun 8, 2023 | The Blog
The iconic Nike slogan: “Just Do It,” has a crazy back story. The advertising firm that came up with the slogan was inspired by the last words of an infamous murderer, Gary Gilmore. As he faced the firing squad, he defiantly said, “Let’s do this!” Nike had their...
by Pastor Dottie Flanagan | May 25, 2023 | The Blog
How awesome is it that the God of the universe delights in us and is always there to hear our every prayer? Prayer is how we communicate our needs and desires to God. Of course, God being omniscient, knows our needs whether or not we ask or not, but prayer is the way...
by Pastor Adam Burt | May 18, 2023 | The Blog
Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”...